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Sciaenochromis fryeri is a cichlid which can be found all around the lake in all types of habitats as long as there are rocks in their environment. However, this "iceberg" variant with the red anal fin is a breeding type which can not be found in the lake.

The male with this red anal fin has a beautiful steelblue colour with a white blaze on its head which goes on over the top of its back and also colours the backfin completely white, the female is greyish. The male in my aquarium is near 20 cm, the female 12 cm.

The three in my aquarium behave quite peaceful and they swim around through everything without apparently having notice of what happens around them. Usually they hold up at the edge of the rocks. In this moment - august 2017 - they have been spawning several times but there are surviving just a few young ones because most of them are eaten through the other "mbunas" in this tank and also by themselves, at last they are also predatory. This species is a carnivore, itīs living on young "mbuna" and "utaka".

There is always enough young fish in this aquarium where they can feed on and they also take everything they get offered, like spirulina pellets, mysis, artemia, cyclops and shrimp-peas mix.

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